Latinised Hymns

Thou art gone up on high

Thou art gone up on high,
To mansions in the skies;
And round thy throne unceasingly
The songs of praise arise:
But we are lingering here,
With sin and care oppressed;
Lord, send thy promised Comforter,
And lead us to thy rest.

Thou art gone up on high;
But thou didst first come down,
Through earth's most bitter misery
To pass unto thy crown;
And girt with griefs and fears
Our onward course must be;
But only let this path of tears
Lead us at last to thee.

Thou art gone up on high;
But thou shalt come again,
With all the bright ones of the sky
Attendant in thy train.
Lord, by thy saving power
So make us live and die,
That we may stand in that dread hour
At thy right hand on high.

Mrs E.Toke

Elatus es supra
ad aetheris domum,
quo surgit laus perpetua
cingitque solium.
Nos infra sistimus,
quos culpa subiugat;
quem promisisti, Spiritus
ad requiem ferat.

Elatus es supra,
deisti sed prius,
et passus hic acerrima
Regnator es ratus.
Metus et lacrimae
nos quoque maneant;
sed fac eaedem denique
te coram nos vehant.

Elatus es supra;
sed et revenies,
cui cuncta caeli lumina
erunt satellites.
Nos salva, Domine,
defunctos, atque ea
die tremenda nos habe
ad dexteram supra.

MM 29.5–3.6.01